Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So most of you know our precious Parker was born with a cleft lip. You might remember a post from a few months ago:, when I met someone blogging who is fostering a baby who has a bi-lateral cleft lip. Baby A had surgery yesterday and is doing great, please read Kim's blog for more info: I remember Parker's first surgery like it was yesterday, she was only 10 weeks old and she will be 5 years old next month. It's an amazing journey to see what modern medicine can do to repair these so called birth defects. I have said many times that I don't consider her lip a defect because her smile is the very thing that draws you in. I won't tell you that we were not scared when she was born, it was definitely a surprise but we know it was God's plan for her to be with us. Parker knows she was born 'special', we told her for a long time she was kissed by an Angel, she now knows she was born with a cleft lip and tells people when they ask (and yes, adults randomly ask her what happened), "I just got born like this!" It is funny to see their reaction. It has also helped us teach Parker tolerance of people who might look different or be in a wheel chair.

Now our baby girl is ready for Kindergarten, where does the time go?

Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Brandon!

Today is Brandon's birthday. He thinks it's the best birthday because it is strategically placed 6 months from Christmas so he gets presents every 6 months.

For those of you who don't know my husband, he totally rocks! We might not be rich but we have each other and two amazing kids. We are certainly not perfect but at the end of the day, there is always love. Brandon is the most amazing father I have ever seen. He picks our kids up every single day and always has. He cooks dinner most nights, even tonight on his birthday, he will be the chef de cuisine. It is such an awesome feeling to know you are loved everyday. I have never doubted his love for me and the kids.

Our children absolutely adore their "Daddy." Parker gets upset if he leaves for work before she gets up. She asks to call him so she can say good morning, I love you and have a good day! You can see the love in Grant's eyes. When Brandon is out of town for work (or say, in the hospital for 4 days), Grant will not let Brandon put him down for long periods of time. We do not have any lap babies at our house, they are both very independent.

Happy Birthday B! The kids and I think you hung the moon! See-ya-bye!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Almost back to normal

Thanks to everyone who kept us in your prayers. Brandon was released from the hospital Saturday in time to be home for lunch. Grant was so happy to see him after not seeing him since Tuesday. He is still home from work but getting around much better than this time last week.

On another note, Parker started swimming lessons last night. She has never been afraid of the water but 2 weeks ago when we went swimming, she was completely freaked out. On Memorial Day weekend she is floating all over the place and we were not even in the water. We wondered if she was ready or if we were wasting time and money. I am happy to report she did great, even went off the diving board at the end of class. She can't wait until tonight when she gets to practice again. She is not swimming yet but is floating and more comfortable in the water. Yeah!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Hospital Father's Day, at least for us.

Brandon was hospitalized on Tuesday night with a funky infection in his skin called cellulitis. His right calf looks like it is sunburned and at one point, twice its normal size. He had been to his regular Dr on Tuesday morning but was steadily getting worse as the day went on even after starting anti-biotics. Lucky for us, we have a relative who is an ER doctor. We called him and he said to go to the hospital and plan to stay a while. Cellulitis is a bacteria infection that can get your bloodstream if not treated aggressively. That was Tuesday night, he is still there. I am trying to maintain a sense of normalcy for our kids and me. My bosses have been very generous by allowing me to come in late and use OT from last week to cover the shortage so I don't have to use all my vacation time to go to the hospital. The kids are going to school/camp every day. My in-laws are picking the kids up for me so I can go to the hospital. Parker knows her Daddy is sick and in the hospital, she gets to go see him every afternoon before she and Nanny pick up Grant. Grant is too young to understand so he thinks Daddy is out of town.

The doctors said this morning, at least one more day of IV antibiotics and possibly released over the weekend. Keep your fingers crossed. Happy Friday.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Makes you wonder...

Just for fun, the above picture is Grant after enjoying some delicious spaghetti! He prefers to use his hands to eat most of the time. Is he happy or what?

Someone please explain to me how a child who is terrified of dogs and cats of any size is willing to ride a horse 5 times her size?

Zizzy! Zizzy!

For those of you don't know, Parker's full name is Parker Elizabeth. She is Parker everywhere but at home, we have many nick names for her. The one we use most often is Lizzy Lu, we have called her this since she was a baby, along with P Liz, Parker Liz, you get the idea.

When we go to Mass, Parker goes to 'Little Church' as she calls it, actually it's children's liturgy. Grant stays with us in the cry room (for any non-Catholics, this is a separate room with windows and a speaker so your kids do not distrub the rest of the parish. Toddler squeels and screams echo in the big church. On Sunday, Parker left as always and after about 5 minutes, Grant started calling for her "Zizzy! Zizzy!" We got so tickled at him, he has never missed her before. Of course, everyone thinks he is calling her Sissy but that is not the case. We call her Parker, sister or Lizzy, never sissy.

That's my cute story for today while I avoid doing real work.

Monday, June 9, 2008

A new attitude

Happy Monday to all!

In an effort to keep all 3 of you reading entertained, I thought I would share my Parker story with you. We went swimming Saturday morning and Sunday afternoon, after a long day both kids were working my nerves. I told my Mother they don't make enough Xanax for me as my kids were worn out and hungry, not a good combination. Anyway, I had gotten on to Parker several times in a very short period of time. As I walk into the den, I see Parker with her 'Prayer hands" and she was moving her mouth as though she was talking but no sound.

Me: Are you praying?
P: Yes Mommy
Me: What are you asking for?
P: I asked God to give you (as in me) a new attitude
Me: Why do I need a new attitude?
P: Because you hurt my feelings and almost made me cry
Me: Mommy's sorry, I hope you get what you ask for
P: Me too!

Our night did get better. Both kids went to bed early. Well, Grant actually went to bed, Parker laid down on the couch and went to sleep almost immediately! And because I am the ultimate Mommy -- I made her a super lunch for camp today and forgot to take it in. I saw her little pink lunchbox on the floorboard of my car when I got to work. ARGH! I called the school to see what time her class eats lunch so we could send something else for her and Mrs. Barbara told me not to worry, she could have pizza or a hot dog. Have I ever mentioned I work 25 miles away from my kids' schools? I was thrilled they have a back up plan for scatterbrained Mommies!

Monday, June 2, 2008

Finally, a new post with pictures no less!

Our little ballerina...

Our tap dancing girl ..

As you can see, she really enjoys dance. These pictures are from dress rehearsal Thursday and Friday, we were not allowed to take pictures during the real show on Saturday. Her dance recital was 4 hours long, yes longer than a Broadway show. Brandon had to leave with Grant in the first hour, he was not going to sit still for that long. Her Daddy did get to see her dance her tap piece to "Happy Birthday Princess". He missed Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo ballet and the finale.

It was a busy weekend for us. My mother is here from Florida for the recital. Parker had 2 birthday parties on Saturday in addition to the recital. Yesterday, we spent the day in Earle, AR (my Grandma lives there) and it was the first time I had scene the tornado damage from May 2nd. It was amazing no one was killed, there are blocks of houses GONE. The Baptist church is missing the sanctuary and the gym. Luckily my Grandma's house only sustained minor damage, everyone was not as lucky.

I hope everyone has a good week!