Yesterday, I received a call from Grant's daycare saying they 'think' he has pink eye because after nap he had crusties in his eyes and they were a little pink, they wanted us to take him to the Dr. this morning to get him checked out. Brandon picked him up at 4 pm, called to say his eyes were fine but he has a runny nose like he has had for the last 2 weeks. This morning, Grant wakes up: eyes bright and clear, a few crusties in the corner but definitely not pink. If you or your children have ever had pink eye, you know it manifests over night and the next day it is nasty: swollen, matted shut, oozing junk, glazed over and matter of fact pink. No Doctor necessary to diagnose but needed for the million dollar eye drop prescription. So I take him to school because I refuse to spend 2 hours at the Dr.'s office for walk-in and co-pay for a runny nose! I get there and basically have to state my point over and over, first to the assistant director then to the director via phone. As if we would send him to daycare with pink eye, it is very painful. It is just so frustrating some times to deal with the politics of it all! I don't mind using a vacation day when my kids are actually sick but to use one because someone at daycare thinks a runny nose is a problem really chaps me! I left him there and so far, so good. I will keep you posted.
An update on another child issue. The kid that is mean to Parker continues to deliberately try to hurt her feelings. She said yesterday "John (not his real name) thinks he is cool, but Mommy he is not!" I have once again spoken to the teacher and we determined a lot of this comes at snack and lunch when they are seated. Parker has no where to go when he picks at her. Our biggest concern is he is going to say something about her lip or teeth that hurts her more than he already has. She is very well aware she was born with a cleft lip and it is okay for kids to ask age appropriate questions about it. It is NOT okay for kids to be mean about it or intentionally try to hurt our baby girl. Parker told me last night she was a nice girl and I tried to explain the Golden Rule in 4 year old terms, I think she gets it. She said John is not nice, he is mean so I told her she still needs to be nice to him and she agreed. The momma bear in me just wants to tell her how to get rid of this trouble making kid with a quick zinger but then she will not learn anything from all of this. Stay tuned for more.
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Happy Monday!

Well, the Tigers got their first lost. It was a really good game if you didn't get a chance to watch. Brandon got to the FedEx Forum at 5 am for a 8 pm tip-off. They did go to ESPN College Game Day as well during that time but most of it was standing outside in the shade freezing. As you can imagine, he has a very sore throat now and his voice is gone. Parker keeps reminding him to whisper since he is hoarse.
Here is a picture of Grant taken at Chandler's birthday party last month. Swing Batter! Okay so it isn't one of my pictures but at least it is a recent picture. As you can see Grant is getting quite tall and he looks like a little boy in his vest and cords. Can't you see the resemblance to me? NOT! He is Brandon with blonde-ish hair (my only contribution to this kid!)
Parker had a dentist appointment today, she was such a big girl, finally letting them use the buzzy brush (as we call it) on her teeth. She has been going to the dentist since she was 10 months old because of her cleft lip and this was the first time she ever let them use anything other than a toothbrush. Good thing Santa thought to bring her an electric toothbrush to get used to! She has no cavities and her teeth are very healthy. We still don't know what if any dental issues she will have as a result of her cleft lip.
Happy Monday to everyone, let's hope for a better week this week!
Friday, February 22, 2008
The big game
So my hubby is going to the UT/Memphis game tomorrow. He is a student, for those of you who don't know, he finally is going back to finish his degree. Anyway, he has a student ticket, the UM is allowing students to line up beginning at 6 am for an 8 pm tip-off. They can go to ESPN game day at 10 am then back outside for more hurry up and waiting. I really don't mind him going to the game but the way the school has chosen to allow student attendance is crazy in my option. He and his brother intend to be there at 6 to line up for this insanity meanwhile I get to play single mom for the day. It is always fun to take Grant to dance for an hour, we go to Sonic on the way and get him a wacky pack, it keeps him busy in his stroller for a while. Wish us all luck!
A little funny about Parker, you all remember the kid who she says is mean to her? Well, he is sick this week along with many other of her friends. When Brandon asked her yesterday, she named them all and said "Yeah" after his name. I have no idea how Brandon kept his composure to tell her we do not laugh when our friends are sick. When he told me last night, I cracked up!
I hope everyone has a great weekend! Go TIGERS! We're number one!
A little funny about Parker, you all remember the kid who she says is mean to her? Well, he is sick this week along with many other of her friends. When Brandon asked her yesterday, she named them all and said "Yeah" after his name. I have no idea how Brandon kept his composure to tell her we do not laugh when our friends are sick. When he told me last night, I cracked up!
I hope everyone has a great weekend! Go TIGERS! We're number one!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
A few tidbits
Happy Wednesday everyone!
Parker tried on her dance costumes on Saturday. It was such a blast to see her in the costumes, her ballet is purple, they are supposed to be fairy dust. She will have a tiarra and wand! She loved every minute of it. The tap costumes are pink polka-dot, I forget what they are going to be in those. Parker loves loves loves going to dance, music is a big part of her life. She will sing just about anything and can learn the lyrics after one or two times. Brandon once taught her Jingle Bells on the way home from daycare -- it was an 8 minute car ride and she was only 2 at the time. Impressed? She never ceases to amaze us.
Grant is talking more every day. His favorite word is uh-oh and he loves to say "hi-doo" which means hello in Grant-ese. He will hold anything up to his ear and say hi-doo, it cracks us up. At his daycare, they have a picture of him holding a toy phone and you almost see him saying hi-doo to the camera.
Speaking of cameras, I have got to get some pictures up here.
Parker tried on her dance costumes on Saturday. It was such a blast to see her in the costumes, her ballet is purple, they are supposed to be fairy dust. She will have a tiarra and wand! She loved every minute of it. The tap costumes are pink polka-dot, I forget what they are going to be in those. Parker loves loves loves going to dance, music is a big part of her life. She will sing just about anything and can learn the lyrics after one or two times. Brandon once taught her Jingle Bells on the way home from daycare -- it was an 8 minute car ride and she was only 2 at the time. Impressed? She never ceases to amaze us.
Grant is talking more every day. His favorite word is uh-oh and he loves to say "hi-doo" which means hello in Grant-ese. He will hold anything up to his ear and say hi-doo, it cracks us up. At his daycare, they have a picture of him holding a toy phone and you almost see him saying hi-doo to the camera.
Speaking of cameras, I have got to get some pictures up here.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
A Mommy's work..
Today beginning at 6:10 am, I was changing sheets on beds. Both kids needed new sheets, got the laundry going and just for fun cleaned up the carpet where Grant expressed his freedom. This all took place before 6:30 am, then we got on with our normal mornings.
It is very cold here this morning, a balmy 24 degrees. We actually had SNOW this morning, it was like God was shaking salt down from Heaven. Grant did not seem to notice it, he loves the cold! At Grant's school they had Glamor Shots pictures today, I know you are thinking what baby needs a Glamor Shot? It was really cute, it was in his diaper, an apron and a chef's toque with his bowl of plastic fruit. They also had a man's tie with hat but he was not feeling this one as much as the chef outfit. I can't wait until we get them back.
Keep your fingers crossed the schools do not close today. We have no back up plan for kid pick-up. I have to be at work regardless of the weather.
It is very cold here this morning, a balmy 24 degrees. We actually had SNOW this morning, it was like God was shaking salt down from Heaven. Grant did not seem to notice it, he loves the cold! At Grant's school they had Glamor Shots pictures today, I know you are thinking what baby needs a Glamor Shot? It was really cute, it was in his diaper, an apron and a chef's toque with his bowl of plastic fruit. They also had a man's tie with hat but he was not feeling this one as much as the chef outfit. I can't wait until we get them back.
Keep your fingers crossed the schools do not close today. We have no back up plan for kid pick-up. I have to be at work regardless of the weather.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Hi Da-Da!
That is Grant's first sentence! Last night when Brandon returned from the store, Grant looked up from his high chair and said "Hi Da-Da" as he was waving hello. Grant knows 10-15 words now and his favorite is definitely "Uh-oh."
Happy Monday to everyone!
Happy Monday to everyone!
Friday, February 8, 2008
It was a 3 Skittle day!
I thought I would try adding a picture, this one is from the zoo last summer. Some of you made have seen it already. Both kids look the same today.
Will someone please explain to me how this child can get all her Skittles on Mon, Tues and Thurs but lose them all on Wednesday? Clearly she was having a bad day! Today is Grandparent day at school, Parker is looking forward to Nanny visiting her classroom and having snacks together. Parker says it will be lots of fun.
Grant was so funny this morning, he was all ready to go bye-bye. He walked to the back door and when I tried to put his jacket on, he would walk away. He did this over and over until finally I said just forget it. It was only 35 degrees outside, he seemed to be fine with it. Guess he is like us, both Brandon and I rarely wear coats.
Happy Friday to everyone! We have almost made it to the weekend!
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Parenting 101
Thanks for chekcing out my blog. I hope you enjoy it, I promise I will get better with the pictures, in the meantime, enjoy the quick read.
We had an issue with Parker at school. She receives 3 Skittles or M & M's at the end of each day. Yesterday, she did not get any so we got a note home from her teacher giving the reasons. She pushed another child which concerned us becasue Parker by nature is not an aggressive child so we asked her who she pushed and way. She told us who and he was being mean to her, we asked her why didn't she tell the teacher, she said because she says I am tattle telling. Houston, we have a problem! I sent a note to the teacher this morning, I wanted to know what was going on here and if Parker was doing anything to aggravate the other child. She said he and Parker play together as much as they fight and the child does tend to yell at everyone including the teachers. She and I agreed to work with Parker on understanding when it is appropriate to tell the teacher and when it is not. In this case, Parker's feelings were hurt and she tried to solve this herself but still got in trouble. We certainly don't condone pushing but you see our issue here. Her teacher is going to talk to both of the kids because Parker has complained about this kid being mean to her since the first day of school but we blew it off to a love/hate relationship until now. Keep her in your prayers and hope for a 3 Skittle day today!
Also, thanks to everyone who has checked on us after the storms made national news. We are fine, our house got lots of rain and wind but no damage. Lots of other people are not as lucky. I was at work and Brandon was home with Grant in a closet, Parker had gone to the Hannah Montana movie with her Nanny.
We had an issue with Parker at school. She receives 3 Skittles or M & M's at the end of each day. Yesterday, she did not get any so we got a note home from her teacher giving the reasons. She pushed another child which concerned us becasue Parker by nature is not an aggressive child so we asked her who she pushed and way. She told us who and he was being mean to her, we asked her why didn't she tell the teacher, she said because she says I am tattle telling. Houston, we have a problem! I sent a note to the teacher this morning, I wanted to know what was going on here and if Parker was doing anything to aggravate the other child. She said he and Parker play together as much as they fight and the child does tend to yell at everyone including the teachers. She and I agreed to work with Parker on understanding when it is appropriate to tell the teacher and when it is not. In this case, Parker's feelings were hurt and she tried to solve this herself but still got in trouble. We certainly don't condone pushing but you see our issue here. Her teacher is going to talk to both of the kids because Parker has complained about this kid being mean to her since the first day of school but we blew it off to a love/hate relationship until now. Keep her in your prayers and hope for a 3 Skittle day today!
Also, thanks to everyone who has checked on us after the storms made national news. We are fine, our house got lots of rain and wind but no damage. Lots of other people are not as lucky. I was at work and Brandon was home with Grant in a closet, Parker had gone to the Hannah Montana movie with her Nanny.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Our little weather girl
Anyone who watches any news knows by now, we had serious weather issues late yesterday afternoon. They even closed many of the schools including Grant's daycare, this did not make me a happy camper because S & N did not close early. Lucky for us, MIL is usually available to pick the kids up. Parker went to the Hannah Montana movie, well they tried to go but MALCO stopped the movie in the middle and gave them new tickets for next week.
Last night as we watched the endless weather coverage, Parker was asking many questions. They showed lots of 'shear markers' indicating there might be a tornado, Parker asked me if the circles meant there was a tornado, I said it might. A few minutes later she said, "Mommy, those are not tornados, they are wind shears!" Who knew a 4 year would grasp that much about the weather? This morning as the news was recapping, she said not another tornado today.
As promised, my kids provide loads of entertainment
Last night as we watched the endless weather coverage, Parker was asking many questions. They showed lots of 'shear markers' indicating there might be a tornado, Parker asked me if the circles meant there was a tornado, I said it might. A few minutes later she said, "Mommy, those are not tornados, they are wind shears!" Who knew a 4 year would grasp that much about the weather? This morning as the news was recapping, she said not another tornado today.
As promised, my kids provide loads of entertainment
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Day 2 in Blog world
I have given this blog thing a lot of thought. The more I think about it the more I like the idea of sharing some of the things that happen at our house. We laugh a lot, our kids will crack you up.
A bit of good news, Parker is the youngest in her class. We know she is happy with other 4-5 year olds but we always wonder in the back of our minds if it was the right decision. Yesterday, we received her pre-K progress report, I am happy to say she is right on track! Of course Grant is our gentle giant. He is the biggest kid in his class but the most loving. You only have to meet him once to see his kindness at 15 months old.
A bit of good news, Parker is the youngest in her class. We know she is happy with other 4-5 year olds but we always wonder in the back of our minds if it was the right decision. Yesterday, we received her pre-K progress report, I am happy to say she is right on track! Of course Grant is our gentle giant. He is the biggest kid in his class but the most loving. You only have to meet him once to see his kindness at 15 months old.
Monday, February 4, 2008
I have been considering starting a blog for a while now. I have finally decided to give it a try, I have no idea what I am doing but I think this might be a good place to post things my kids do. As any mother will tell you, kids are hilarious.
I would love to commit to posting as certain intervals, I just don't know how committed I am. Here goes nothing!
I would love to commit to posting as certain intervals, I just don't know how committed I am. Here goes nothing!
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