Tuesday, April 29, 2008
New layout
Monday, April 28, 2008
More tears-some happy, some sad
Also, for those of you who follow my blog regularly. Another baby blog I have been reading for months has great news to share. Baby Sully is off the vent as of Friday and is doing great! Please read more about him http://sullivanfarrar.com/updates.htm. He is one special little boy, his 1st birthday is on Thursday. Happy Birthday Sully! Please continue praying for him and all the children at St. Jude.
Happy Monday. I will post more later this week about our crazy weekend and hope to get pictures up as well. (As long as Brandon uploads me, I'm completely inept at this)
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
My friend, Trish

Monday, April 21, 2008
Life is too short
Monday, April 14, 2008
Monday potpourri
A couple of pictures from San Antonio
Brandon at the Pep RallyBrandon and Blake
My funny Grant story... he does not like putting on shoes, he is okay once they are on but getting them on is challenging. One day in my morning struggle to put his shoes on, I made up the following for entertainment value. I tell him we need to put his 'pigs' (toes) in a blanket (sock) and then get the pigs in the barn (shoe) and tie them up tight! This seems to work, he thinks its hilarious and it allows me to get both shoes on without breaking a sweat or trying to hold him down. This morning, he picked up his shoe and said "barn," I hope he doesn't think his shoes are really barns? Also he now says "yashe" which is yes in Grant-ese. It is so darn cute!
Now for my funny story. I fell yesterday over Grant's ride-on toy and broke not one but two of my toes! I was holding Grant when I tripped, we both crashed to the floor. He bumped his head but I think I broke most of his fall. Yes, he is okay, he barely cried over it .. I however am in a great deal of pain.
I hope everyone has a great Monday!
Monday, April 7, 2008
Prayer requests
A friend of mine from work sent me a link to this website http://sullivanfarrar.com/. This little boy is very sick and at St. Jude. I have been following this for a few months now and thought this would would an excellent way to share his journey with you. Like all the children of St. Jude, he needs extra prayers. Please stop by to read about Sully and his amazing journey. I just noticed he is on our Church prayer list as well.
Happy Monday!
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Back to work tomorrow
Of course, I have to say something about the Memphis Tigers! What a great game last night, I am looking forward to being National Champions and proving all the naysayers WRONG!
I wish everyone a great week!
Friday, April 4, 2008
Dr. Mommy just knows...
My hat's off to single moms in blog world. Brandon left this morning with his brother to go to San Antonio to watch the Final Four games and hopefully the championship on Monday night if all goes well for the Tigers. I know my mom raised us alone and many of you do this everyday as a way of life but I am used to the help.
I wish everyone a wonderful weekend!
T-I-G-E-R-S! Tigers!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
What a week!
Today, Grant got sent home from daycare with a fever. We are pretty sure he has an ear infection because I most likely have bacterial pneumonia and not viral. We are headed back to walk-in tomorrow at the pediatrician's office. Please send good thoughts, the wait will not be as bad as Monday.
Tonight we had a catastrophe -- we couldn't find Bunny. You might be wondering who is Bunny? Bunny is Parker's lovey, she has had since she was 3 months old. We have infant pictures of her holding Bunny, always slept with her. I spent 45 minutes looking every where for her, I turned this house upside down looking. Our bedroom looks like someone ran-sacked it. Brandon had class tonight so I sent him a frantic text message for assistance and immediate call. As you can imagine, Parker was hysterical but she trying so hard to be a big girl. We have many impostor bunnies but only one real one. Parker took one of the others but with her sad blue eyes said "that is not my Bunny" I told her I know and I would do everything I could to find the real bunny. I looked everywhere, I started thinking maybe she got thrown away. It was not until I literally threw everything in the floor that I found her. I was never so happy to find a stuffed animal in my life! By then Parker had cried herself to sleep, I woke her up so she would know Bunny had been found. She said "Thank you Mommy" her eyes still wet with tears. I have tear filled eyes just typing about this. It was an awful, terrible thing to her. It tells us she is not ready to give up Bunny. Thankfully, Grant is not attached to anything. Bunny is thread bear and we pray every time she goes for a swim in the washing machine, she comes out okay. I put her in a lingerie bag inside a pillow case on the delicate cycle and air dry her. Oh and why this happening poor little Grant was screaming in his bed because he just wanted his Mommy to hold him because he is sick too. When Brandon called, I had already located Bunny.
And before you all ask why we don't have a back up Bunny. My mom bought Bunny in Florida at the Carter's outlet, we have searched eBay many times and come up empty. The company who manufactured her is no longer in business. This is the reason for our collection of impostor bunnies, many similar but none the same.
Please forgive any spelling and/or grammatical errors. I am on many meds and now recovering from this catastrophic event that happened in the middle of this post. Now I am off to try and repair some of the madness in our bedroom. I will update on Grant tomorrow.