Late yesterday afternoon I wonder into my boss' office and notice she has a fact sheet for Rhodes College on her desk. Being the nosey rosey that I am, I asked why?
Boss: I want to know what makes them so special they can charge $32,000/year, our neighbor got a scholarship there for $55,000
Me: and that is not enough?
Boss: No and what's the difference between a Rhodes scholar and a Memphis scholar?
Me: (Laughing hysterically) .. there is no such thing as a Memphis scholar and a Rhodes Scholar has nothing to do with Rhodes college. I believe it's a scholarship for Oxford University in England. Remember Rhodes used to be Southwestern years ago.
Boss: See I didn't know that and neither did our fearless leader (director)
What did I do first thing this morning .. wikipedia! Guess what I knew something that my manager and director did not! I happen to be friends with my boss so I of course, copied and pasted wikipedia's definition and emailed her immediately. I have yet to start any real work so I better get to it. What did we do before the Internet at work? Oh yeah, I used to read the paper.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Happy 2nd Birthday Grant!
Exactly two years ago today at 10:04 am, we welcomed into the world Grant Avery. He weighed 9 lbs and 13 oz, he was 21 inches long. He's always looked like a baby line backer and that's part of who he is. At the ripe ole age of two, we have seen his personality evolve and learned very quickly, no two kids are alike even if they have the same parents. Grant and Parker are as different as night and day, we wouldn't have it any other way.
Our baby boy approx 3 months old
Our baby boy at one...

This would be the spot where I would put his current picture except I don't have one saved on my work computer and the ones from facebook will not post on blogger. Oh well. I will post birthday pictures soon enough. Happy Birthday Grant, we love you.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
A conversation with Grant
As always I am in a rush to get me and 2 kids ready for school. Most days, we are able to get ready in shifts. Parker has to be at school at 8 am so Brandon takes her, they try to leave by 7:30 but no later than 7:40 to drop off in car line. Once I get Parker ready, I work on me, then I wake up Grant and get him ready.
Yesterday morning, Grant woke up earlier than usual and he was fussing at me from his crib. I walk in his room and remind him, there's no need to fuss at Mommy, if you want me, just say my name. I tell him to 'call me' and I will come, he thinks this is hilarious. I remember a similar conversation with Parker at that age. Anyway, Grant is usually soaking wet in the mornings because even the night time diapers are not enough for him. So I take off his PJ's and diaper before getting him out of the bed and let him run to our room sans clothes. Sometimes he even sits on the potty, we have had a few accidental successes! After I put a new diaper and his clothes on for the day. He holds my finger and pulls me into the den:
GH: Down! (as in sit down)
Me: Mommy doesn't have time right now, we have to get ready for school, we are going to miss breakfast (as I walk away to put a load of clothes in the dryer-always the multi-tasker)
GH: All-white (translation alright)
I thought I would die laughing. He was so serious about it and used it in context. Enjoy the laugh.
Yesterday morning, Grant woke up earlier than usual and he was fussing at me from his crib. I walk in his room and remind him, there's no need to fuss at Mommy, if you want me, just say my name. I tell him to 'call me' and I will come, he thinks this is hilarious. I remember a similar conversation with Parker at that age. Anyway, Grant is usually soaking wet in the mornings because even the night time diapers are not enough for him. So I take off his PJ's and diaper before getting him out of the bed and let him run to our room sans clothes. Sometimes he even sits on the potty, we have had a few accidental successes! After I put a new diaper and his clothes on for the day. He holds my finger and pulls me into the den:
GH: Down! (as in sit down)
Me: Mommy doesn't have time right now, we have to get ready for school, we are going to miss breakfast (as I walk away to put a load of clothes in the dryer-always the multi-tasker)
GH: All-white (translation alright)
I thought I would die laughing. He was so serious about it and used it in context. Enjoy the laugh.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
My 1st Baby

I have been tagged by Lisa with an interesting tag post she got off the blog from Mymommyology. It asks questions about your "1st baby".
1. Were you married at the time? Yes for almost 4 years
2. What were your reactions when you found out you were pregnant? Ecstatic!
3. How old were you? 31, 32 when Parker was born..
4. How did you find out you were pregnant? I dreamed I was pregnant twice in three days. I rarely remember my dreams so the 2nd time, I thought I better take a test. Luckily, I had one under the counter. It was the Sunday before Thanksgiving, I wasn't even late. I 'took' the test and before I could lay on the counter, there was a plus sign. Brandon was still asleep so I woke him up and told him I needed to show him something. He said what does that mean? I said it means we are having a baby!
5. Who did you tell first? We decided to wait until Christmas to tell our families and everyone else. I did tell my boss because I didn't know if I would be sick or not
6. Did you want to find out the sex? Absolutely, both times. I never considered not finding out
8. Did you deliver early or late? Parker was 2 weeks OVERDUE
9. Did you have morning sickness? Nope but I did get a headache if I skipped eating red meat.
10. What did you crave? Nothing
11. Who irritated you the most? The fact my office was over 80 degrees and I brought a thermometer and my director said "it doesn't feel 80" Being pregnant, I said "I guess the thermometer is lying?"
12. What was your first child's sex? Baby Girl
12. What was your first child's sex? Baby Girl
13. How many pounds did you gain throughout the pregnancy? 25 lbs
14. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy? Gestational Diabetes and High Blood Pressure toward the end
15. Where did you give birth? Methodist-Germantown, in Germantown, TN.
16. How many hours were you in labor? 30, yes you read that right, 30 long hours! She didn't want to come out, everyone was forced - contractions, water breaking, forceps. I was so a candidate for c-section!
17. Who drove you to the hospital? Brandon
18. Who watched? Brandon and everyone (Dr, nurses, techs, etc) working that night, it was 2:14 am and they had nothing else to do
19. Was it vaginal or c-section? Old fashion
20. Did you take medicine to ease the pain? Absolutely, see next question and you would have too
21. How much did your child weigh? 9lbs, 11 oz.
22. What did you name him/her? Parker Elizabeth
23. How old is your first born today? 5 years, 2 months
I am supposed to tag people now but I don't think I have that many readers and Lisa tagged me. So I guess, you can just enjoy my story.
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