Thursday, February 26, 2009

Coming clean

My name is Kelly and I am a FaceBook Addict.
Isn't admitting there is a problem the first step? I am certainly no expert but I will tell you I am totally hooked by FaceBook. Maybe because we will be celebrating our 20 year high school reunion and I feel like I get to know everyone all over again? Maybe it's I am totally competitive with my husband playing word challenge? Which I am totally winning, for now and until he has the time to sit down long enough until he beats my score. Whatever it is, I waste hours on FB. I pop in and out while I am work .. shhh! don't tell. As soon as the kids are in the bed, I race Brandon to the PC to get on FB to see what's happened since I left work. It's kind of crazy because nothing, I mean nothing, has ever captivated me like this. I've always called our PC's Brandon's mistress because he is a techie.

In addition to high school buddies, I located people I've worked with at past jobs. This past weekend I went to dinner with a friend I made while in college. She lives in Little Rock but happened to marry someone from Memphis. We lost touch about 10 years ago, FB made it possible to pick up where we left off.

As much as I love FB, it's also driving me crazy this week! I can't seem to get anything working on there, no status updates, no IM-ing, no surfing other people's pages, no new pictures.

Pictures? You want pictures of the kids? You'll never believe how much they've grown!

Grant Avery at 2 years, 3 months old.

Parker Elizabeth at 51/2 years old

No promises that I will start blogging more but I am going to try. One thing for sure, we got a new camera and I know how to upload pictures now. There are tons on FB as you can imagine.