Saturday, May 29, 2010

Who said she could be in 2nd grade already?

Meet Parker Elizabeth ... our pretty baby girl
(prior to surgery so I know this picture was before 10 weeks old)

Parker's last day of kindergarten 05/21/2009 with her teacher
(side note: her teachers husband is now my director)

Parker's last day of 1st grade 5/28/2010 with her teacher

Yesterday was Parker's last day of 1st grade!  She is very excited to be a rising 2nd grader, we are not as sure about that!   Look how much she has grown up since the last day of kindergarten?  WOW!  2nd grade is a big year for Catholic kids, they make First Reconciliation and First Communion. 

Because we are two parent working household, Parker will attend a summer day camp.  This will be her 4th year and she is super excited about seeing her "summer friends".   In August, Grant will join his sister at 'big kid' school in the pre-school program.   We couldn't be more excited to have our kids at the same place again, not too mention, no more daycare tuition.  Yes, Catholic school tuition is significantly less than daycare. 

I posted twice in the same week.  Who knew? 

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I survived Managerial Accounting!

As I've mentioned, I returned to college life to finish my MBA degree.   The format works for me, my family and my employer.  It's a co-hort format, each class is 4 hours, one night a week for 8 weeks.  Way back in 1998 I started a MBA program but I failed to finish because it was interfering with my social schedule and wedding planning!   So for fun, I waited 11 years to return .. this time with a husband, 2 active kids and a career in tow because, you know, I have so much spare time on my hands.  :-)   Okay, maybe not but it's working out for us either way.  

Managerial Accounting is was not a new concept to me.  My undergrad degree is in business.   Our professor was not exactly what I would call "friendly" but somehow I managed to not only survive the class but I actually got an A.   This class was my be-all end-all though, I worked on accounting just about every night and went to tutoring 1-2 times a week.   I honestly believe everything I learned was from the adjunct tutor, she was awesome!

I've been an absentee everything through the last 8 weeks as I struggled to learn from the class.   I almost gave up facebook and certainly this blog.   We've had a 3 week break before the next class starts but I'm not worried about Finance in the least.   Surely, I will remember something from undergrad, after all it was my major!