Thursday, February 28, 2008

Daycare woes

Yesterday, I received a call from Grant's daycare saying they 'think' he has pink eye because after nap he had crusties in his eyes and they were a little pink, they wanted us to take him to the Dr. this morning to get him checked out. Brandon picked him up at 4 pm, called to say his eyes were fine but he has a runny nose like he has had for the last 2 weeks. This morning, Grant wakes up: eyes bright and clear, a few crusties in the corner but definitely not pink. If you or your children have ever had pink eye, you know it manifests over night and the next day it is nasty: swollen, matted shut, oozing junk, glazed over and matter of fact pink. No Doctor necessary to diagnose but needed for the million dollar eye drop prescription. So I take him to school because I refuse to spend 2 hours at the Dr.'s office for walk-in and co-pay for a runny nose! I get there and basically have to state my point over and over, first to the assistant director then to the director via phone. As if we would send him to daycare with pink eye, it is very painful. It is just so frustrating some times to deal with the politics of it all! I don't mind using a vacation day when my kids are actually sick but to use one because someone at daycare thinks a runny nose is a problem really chaps me! I left him there and so far, so good. I will keep you posted.

An update on another child issue. The kid that is mean to Parker continues to deliberately try to hurt her feelings. She said yesterday "John (not his real name) thinks he is cool, but Mommy he is not!" I have once again spoken to the teacher and we determined a lot of this comes at snack and lunch when they are seated. Parker has no where to go when he picks at her. Our biggest concern is he is going to say something about her lip or teeth that hurts her more than he already has. She is very well aware she was born with a cleft lip and it is okay for kids to ask age appropriate questions about it. It is NOT okay for kids to be mean about it or intentionally try to hurt our baby girl. Parker told me last night she was a nice girl and I tried to explain the Golden Rule in 4 year old terms, I think she gets it. She said John is not nice, he is mean so I told her she still needs to be nice to him and she agreed. The momma bear in me just wants to tell her how to get rid of this trouble making kid with a quick zinger but then she will not learn anything from all of this. Stay tuned for more.

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