Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Top Ten Tuesday

Who doesn't love a list?  When I stumbled upon my friend Hillary's friend Amanda, I had to jump on the Top Ten Tuesday train. 

So here goes my first ever Top Ten Tuesday!   10 of the funniest things my kids have ever said incorrectly.
  1. Patter-rin for pattern - Parker
  2. Tight one for hug - Grant
  3. Beach balls in spooghetti  for meatballs in spaghetti - Parker
  4. Chup for ketchup - Grant
  5. Interstake for interstat - Paker
  6. bow-bow for mashed potatos - Grant
  7. I already did already - Parker
  8. I said pretty pease? - Grant
  9. bailing suit for bathing suit - Parker
  10. Crack-co for pretzel - Grant
I am so grateful I kept word documents with these funny things they say.  It's amazing what you forget in 7 years of parenting.   Hope on over to OhAmanda and join in the fun!


Anonymous said...

Cute!! This week my girl said "festibull" for festival. Gotta' remember to write these things down...

Tiffany said...

Don't kids just say the cutest things? I write a letter to my daughter every month on my blog and try to remember to write as many things as I can down as they happen...a month long draft. Otherwise I never remember it all when it counts :)
