Monday, June 2, 2008

Finally, a new post with pictures no less!

Our little ballerina...

Our tap dancing girl ..

As you can see, she really enjoys dance. These pictures are from dress rehearsal Thursday and Friday, we were not allowed to take pictures during the real show on Saturday. Her dance recital was 4 hours long, yes longer than a Broadway show. Brandon had to leave with Grant in the first hour, he was not going to sit still for that long. Her Daddy did get to see her dance her tap piece to "Happy Birthday Princess". He missed Bibbidy Bobbidy Boo ballet and the finale.

It was a busy weekend for us. My mother is here from Florida for the recital. Parker had 2 birthday parties on Saturday in addition to the recital. Yesterday, we spent the day in Earle, AR (my Grandma lives there) and it was the first time I had scene the tornado damage from May 2nd. It was amazing no one was killed, there are blocks of houses GONE. The Baptist church is missing the sanctuary and the gym. Luckily my Grandma's house only sustained minor damage, everyone was not as lucky.

I hope everyone has a good week!

1 comment:

Lisa and Madeline said...

I saw Parker's adorable recital pictures yesterday but wasn;t able to leave a comment I was so busy at work. Very cool she got to dance in 2 dances. I showed Madeline just now Parkers pictures and she got sad she didn't get to dance twice. Hey at least I saved money on not having to buy 2 costumes.

So how were the seats? Did you get a good one after waiting in line for tickets? We couldn't take pictures or videos during the performance either, only during rehearsal.

Great job uploading pictures (LOL) I seem to take pictures for the blog now just to share. But we are always doing something that calls for pictures anyway.

Well have a great rest of the week. OH, and yeah, my cousin of giving birth. I just heard from my aunt and they said she also was in labor 6 hours, 15 minutes and only pushed 5 times. I know thats great.i had a c-section casue of Madeline being breech, so I had no choice, but if I did, it would have been DRUGS all the way LOL.

Have a great day and chat with you soon.