Grant's personality as really started to shine, he is fairly laid back unless he is hungry. He can have a conversation with us when he wants to. He loves to debate "My ...." with us, my Parter, my Mommy, my Daddy and he will even say my Grant. It's quite entertaining to him. He is learning to use his manners quite nicely: peas, than-too, I sorwee and he says 'ahhh' when he hugs his sister.
Parker continues to amaze us as well. She is such a bright girl, learning to read at school and practicing at home. She loves to sing and dance as well. Just today, she was singing with the music in the store, just having the best time.
I hope that each and every one of you had a wonderful Christmas. We certainly enjoyed ours. I am looking forward to be off work for the next week and spending time with the kids as well as doing some much needed house keeping.
Have a very happy and safe New Year in case I do not blog before then. If you know me personally, you can usually find me on FaceBook. Yes, I am addicted like many of you.
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